Ethiopia Washed

Regular price $ 21.00
Single Origin
Tasting Notes: Bergamot, Jasmine, & Citrus
Roast Level: Light
Washed Ethiopia
- Farm: Ega and Tula Speciality Coffee Farm
- Farmer: Various Smallholders
- Country of Origin: Ethiopia
- Region: Tega and Tula Villages, Bonga, Gibo Kaffa
- Variety: Wild Kaffa Forest Coffee
- Process: Washed
- Altitude: 1693-1860 MASL
Factoid: Tega & Tula Specialty Coffee Farm is named after the two nearby villages of Tega and Tula, found in the woreda, or district, of Gibo, in Kaffa, Ethiopia. The farm is 500 hectares in size, with nearly 400 hectares planted in coffee, primarily Ethiopian varieties and cultivars that were released in the late 1970s (74110 and 74112, for example, are the "names" of two of these cultivars from 1978), as well as some wild coffee from the Kaffa forests, as the farm is in the Kaffa bio-reserve area. The farm is certified organic and produces both Washed and Natural coffee.