Motor City

Regular price $ 20.00
Signature Blend
Tasting Notes: Brown Sugar, Berry, & Grapefruit
Roast Level: Medium
Motor City Blend: Brazil Yellow Bourbon, Colombia Cauca, & Guatemala Huehuetenango
Brazil Ines Yellow Bourbon
- Farm: Fazenda Santa Ines
- Farmer: The Pereira family
- Country of Origin: Brazil
- Region: Carmo de Minas, Minas Gerais
- Variety: Yellow Bourbon
- Process: Natural
- Altitude: 900-1050 MASL
Factoid: The Pereira family turned a sharp focus toward quality since they took over the farm in 1979. Fazenda Santa Ines was planted with new varietals even though it already had a coffee crop. The farm went on to produce the world record holder for the highest scored specialty coffee. The Pereira’s have a keen focus on soil health and diversity on the farm; less than half the land is used for coffee trees. Their attention to quality has brought us this smooth and complex natural process coffee.
Colombia Cauca
- Farm: Various Smallholder Farms
- Farmer: Various Smallholders
- Country of Origin: Colombia
- Region: Cauca
- Variety: Various Blended
- Process: Washed
Factoid: This selection comes from the microregion Cauca, Colombia. The sourcing program for this origin is designed to reward growers with higher prices for higher quality beans. In order to qualify for higher pricing, a farmer has to have a well-maintained infrastructure, hand-picked beans, and an overall healthy crop. Cauca is known for its citric acidity and creamy mouthfeel, which comes through in this regional selection.
Guatemala Huehuetenango
- Farm: Various Smallholder Farms
- Farmer: Various Smallholders
- Country of Origin: Guatemala
- Region: Huehuetenango
- Variety: Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, Maragojype, Pache
- Process: Washed
- Altitude: 1600-1800 MASL
Factoid: Guatemala has the high growing altitudes necessary for dense beans. These hard bean coffees provide sweet, full-bodied notes approachable for any coffee drinker. These larger varietals (Maragojype is also named the “elephant bean”) provide less of the delicate floral and citrus notes, and more of the sweetness that many expect from a well-balanced cup of joe.