Sumatra Organic

Product image 1Sumatra Organic
Product image 2Sumatra Organic
Product image 3Sumatra Organic
Product image 4Sumatra Organic
Product image 5Sumatra Organic

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Single Origin

Tasting Notes: Citric, Floral, & Earthy

Roast Level: Dark

Organic Sumatra

  • Country: Sumatra

  • Region: Nangroe Aceh Darussalam
  • Farm: Various smallholder members of Item Reje Gayo
  • Altitude: 1200–1600 MASL
  • Proc. Method: Wet-Hulled

Factoid: This coffee comes to us from the KSU Item Reje Gayo co-op in central Aceh, Indonesia. Reje Gayo accounts for a number of smallholder farmers who deliver cherry to the processing facility, as most of the producers have very little land, and also grow various other crops, including avocado, orange, guava, banana, and even cinnamon. Once farmers deliver their cherry to the mill, the coffee is wet-depulped and dried for an average of three days.

Reje Gayo's plans for the future include the distribution of organic fertilizers, provision of coffee shade plants such as avocado, basic construction training, and the distributionof coffee seeds. Reje Gayo is also a partner with us on our Women Producer program, which provides a premium price to coffees from the nearly 300 female producers who are members of the group.

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