Peru Organic

Regular price $ 20.00
Single Origin
Tasting Notes: Green Grape, Toffee, & Cane Sugar
Roast Level: Light/Medium
Organic Peru
- Country: Peru
- Region: Jaén, Cajamarca
- Farm: Various smallholder farmers of CENFROCAFE
- Variety: Caturra, Typica, Bourbon
- Altitude: 1200–2200 MASL
- Process. Method: Washed
Factoid: CENFROCAFE is not only one of the largest and strongest cooperatives in Peru, it's also one of the most organized, and producing the best quality coffee year in and year out. They have programs in place to increase production by providing organic fertilizers and in monitoring plant health on farms, which is very important with the prevalence of coffee-leaf rust in recent years.
CENFROCAFE as a group produces about 120,000 quintales of coffee each year (1 quintal = about 100 kilograms), which makes it one of the leading cooperatives in the country in terms of volume, as well. The members' average production per hectare is about 22 quintales, which is relatively high for organic coffees. The co-op is also one of the top exporters in Peru, a country otherwise known for its more commercial-grade coffees. The group's coffees have regularly placed in the top in national competitions, and not only do they produce solid-performing full-container lots, they also have fantastic microlot potential with individual farmers focusing on varieties and processing more and more.